Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Greek Orthodox Church Of St. Basil And St. Paisios In Lincoln
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Lincoln, United Kingdom
Elpiniki Yereoudaki
Very nice christian orthodox liturgy in a former anglican building. The liturgy is in both Greek and English. It features beautiful stained glass wind...
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Greek Orthodox Church Of St Nicholas
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Paul Evans
This is one of the best looking churches from the interior i have been in. It is wonderful. The service that we went to for a funeral was excellent.
Église Orthodoxe Grecque De La Dormition
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Marseille, France
Jen Panovski
We were able to visit in May of 2018 and toured the beautiful cathedral where my great-grandparents were married in 1926. The priest was lovely and he...
Greek Orthodox Church
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Paris, France
Maria Karas
Discovered quite by accident- a beautiful church - I immediately felt connected.
Eglise Orthodoxe Grecque
Bordeaux, France
Jason Summer
Wonderful Greek Orthodox church, which appeared to us in the middle of nowhere! Worth visiting it.
Chiesa Di S. Giovanni Crisostomo - San Giovanello
Gerace, Italy
Gernot Berndt
Eine der drei Kirchen auf der Piazza San Francisco (auch Largo delle Tre Chiese genannt) ist San Giovanello. Im 11./12. Jh. wurde das byzantinisch -n...
Chiesa Della Madonna Dell'odigitria
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Piana degli albanesi, Italy
Giuseppe D'amico
Greek Orthodox Church Of The Annunciation
Esslingen am Neckar, Germany
Angela Manousou
Es ist eine wunderschöne Kirche man findet sein Frieden sobald man dort ist .der Pfarrer ein sehr sehr liebenswerter Mensch nur zum empfehlen für Tau...
Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche
Kirchheim unter Teck, Germany
I'm orthodox soo ee
Restaurant Zorbas
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Miltenberg, Germany
Doaa Samy
I went with my husband and my 6 years old son we ordered 2 steaks and found it good but then i was tasting the pasta for my son and the sauce was too ...
Griech.-Orthod.-Kirche, Entschlafen Der Gottesgebärerin Zu Reutlingen
Reutlingen, Germany
kathy katerina
Viel Anerkennung und Respekt für Pater Dimitrios, der inmitten einer Pandemie alle Regeln übermäßig befolgt. Man fühlt sich trotz der, für uns alle, ...
Greek - Catholic Church Of The Nativity Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Andre Sem
Одна з найбільших греко католицьких церков на західній Україні
Görögkatolikus Templom
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Tiszabezdéd, Hungary
Greek Church
Tusya Apostol
Церква знаходиться біля самої митниці,на березі мальовничої річки Дністер.
Annunciation Church
Brăila, Romania
Alexandra Serban
The biggest Greek church outside Greece. Unfortunately it was closed for renovation
Rímsko-Katolícky Kostol
Kráľovský Chlmec, Slovakia
Lilla Tóth
Nagyon szép templom. Sajnos bemenni nem tudtam.
Ayia Napa Cathedral
Rishabh Jain
One of the best public spot and famous for religious pictures and gathering.if you are interested in historic monuments then it is best place to visit...
Cerkiew Polowa Narodzenia Bogurodzicy
Przemyśl, Poland
Miskolci Ortodox Egyházközség
Miskolc, Hungary
Kostol zvonku vyzerá zanedbane, ale má nádherný interiér.
Biserica Greacă
nadia nat
Greek large church,with very good and friendly priests,very nice greek icons. A must see church in Galati!
Parohia Intrarea În Biserică A Maicii Domnului Şi Sf.Antonie
Florentin Ignat
Hreko-Katolytsʹkyy Khram Pamyatnyk Arkhitektury
Szent Mihály Főangyal Görögkatolikus Temlom
Napkor, Hungary
Imre Gégényi
A nyugalom szigete.
Örömhírvétel Görögkatolikus Templom
Újfehértó, Hungary
Zsolt Buglyó
Köszönjük Kocsis Fülöp érsekatyáéknak, hogy a zarándoklaton velünk tartottak, Isten áldása legyen az életükre!
Leveleki Istenszülő Oltalma Görögkatolikus Templom
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Levelek, Hungary
Aya Yorgi Church
Adalar, Turkey
This Greek Orthodox Church is estimated to built more than a thousand years ago. It is located on the highest hill of Buyuk Ada and offers magnificen...
Gréckokatolícky Drevený Chrám Ochrany Presvätej Bohorodičky - Korejovce
Korejovce, Slovakia
W środku wsi na górce stoi drewniana cerkiew greckokatolicka pod wezwaniem Opieki Bogurodzicy. Przed cerkwią jest mały plac gdzie można zostawić auto...
Grekokatolicka Parafialna Plebania
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Kołobrzeg, Poland
Drevený Kostolík Sv. Mikuláša
Habura, Slovakia
Ladislav Hudák
Hneď pri kostolíku sa nachadza \parkovisko\. Ide o kópiu pôvodného chrámu, ktorý stál v obci pred 250 rokmi. Chrám je najmladším dreveným kostolíkom ...
Orthodox Church Of St. Athanasios
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Alina MIMI
:) First of all that was my 1st visit to Orthodox Church here in the UK so found it quite different from traditional Russian ones. There were rows of ...
Glasgow, United Kingdom
ioannis papagiannidis
Father Mark
The Orthodox Church
Walsall, United Kingdom
Andy Pryce
Nice parish church with a very good priest.
St Barnabas Church
London, United Kingdom
Travel Carierà
Nice place
St John The Theologian
Very nice church.
Saint Spyridon Church
Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom
joby akkara
Beautiful church
The Greek Orthodox Church Of Ss Cyril & Methodius, Mansfield
Sutton-in-Ashfield, United Kingdom
Zeno Walton
Visited with a friend, Very organised and adhering to government guidelines and exceed some, friendly and welcoming community church, some of the cong...
Nice, France
Aristotelis Dosis
Φιλήσυχος και ειρηνικός τόπος. Αγκαλιάζει όλους τους επισκέπτες με τη γαλήνη του π. Μιχάλη που διαχρονικά αγωνίζεται για όλους τους ανθρώπους καθώς ε...
Eglise Grecque Orthodoxe Saints-Constantin-Et-Helène
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Ioannis D
Lovely and very friendly church
Église Grecque Orthodoxe De Saint-Paul
Lille, France
iliada mitsou
Un lieu sacré ou l'on se sent bien. Une communauté agréable
Communauté Orthodoxe Franco Hellenique St Catherine
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Port-de-Bouc, France
iulyan06 iulyan06
Prophet Elias
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Jimmy Tsiantopoulos
Peter And Paul
Butzbach, Germany
Jason Özogul
Kulturpreisträger der Stadt Butzbach in 2018. Seit nun mehr als 5 Jahrzehnten fester Bestandteil des kulturellen Leben und des friedlichen Zusammenl...
Cerkiew Greckokatolicka Pw. Opieki Bogurodzicy
Cerkiew stoi w centrum wsi, obok spory parking i troszkę dalej cmentarz. Nazwa wsi pochodzi najprawdopodobniej od nazwy potoku o biłej wodzie. Cerkie...
Farský Chrám Ochrany Presvätej Bohorodičký
Čirč, Slovakia
Cerkiew P.W. Narodzenia Nmp W Łosiu
Łoś, Poland
Sage Williams
The inside is very pretty
Cerkiew Pw. Opieki Matki Bożej
Wołowiec, Poland
Tu trzeba być i samemu zobaczyć, a najlepiej przyjść na własnych nogach z plecakiem.
Cerkiew Grekokatolicka Pw. Narodzenia Przeczystej Bogarodzicy
Wanda Pisarska
Węglówka,wieś położona na Pogórzu Dynowskim. Przeważnie mijamy ją podróżując na zwiedzanie zamku Kamieniec i skałek Prządki. Warto zatrzymać się w ty...
Cerkiew Pw. Zaśnięcia Nmp
Marta F
To jest Kościół grekokatolicki nie prawosławny
Cerkiew Św. Michała Archanioła W Kulasznem
Maciej Tysz
Miejsce godne poświęcenia paru chwil na zwiedzenie oraz na piękne krajobrazy. Jadąc drogą od Zagórza w kierunku Komańczy nagle taka architektura poja...
Staroprawosławna Cerkiew Staroobrzędowców Św. Mikołaja Cudotwórcy Arcybiskupa Myr Licei
Gabowe Grądy, Poland
Kajsa Solinen
What a peaceful place. You can really feel God there!
Greek Catholic Parish Of St. Cyril And Methodius
Nacina Ves, Slovakia
Slavo Čekan
Parafia Greckokatolicka P.W. Opieki Matki Bożej
Hanna Balin
Przepiękny kościółek, niestety w środku nie byłam
Church Of The Ascension
Obarzym, Poland
Grzegorz Rachwalski
Obecnie dojazdowa kaplica katolicka. Msze święte odprawiane przez księży parafii Dydnia.
Chrám Blahoslaveného Hieromučeníka Pavla Petra Gojdiča
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Kamenica nad Cirochou, Slovakia
Ιερός Ναός Αγίου Ελευθερίου
Assiotis Michalis
Πολύ ωραίος ναός εντυπωσιακός μεγάλος
Farský Chrám Narodenia Presvätej Bohorodičky
Poľany, Slovakia
Stevo Kapitán
Zlaty ludia a utulne miesto
Ιερός Ναός Αρχαγγέλου Μιχαήλ Μονοβόλικος
Ιερός Ναός Αγίου Νεκταρίου
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Miroslav Minchev
Very good
Farský Chrám Všetkých Svätých
Pribeník, Slovakia
Church Of Saint Lazarus
Marija Rusaka
In 890 year people who lived in Larnaca find tomb of one of the greatest christian saints St. Lazarus ! On this place they build church and still in o...
Gréckokatolícka Cerkev Zemplínske Hradište
Zemplínske Hradište, Slovakia
Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church
Campbell, United States
Red Head
Oh so much fun and food xox
Holy Church Of Saint Isidore
Athina, Greece
David Trangmar
Agree with other contributors, a sweaty energy sapping walk to top but amazing views so worth it ! The resturant bar area looked nice.
Church Of St. George
Dimitris Rallis
..deo illuminatio mea. God we thrust..
Church Agia Fotini Ilissos
Ioannis Paisis
Around this area you can see the remaining ancient riverbed and the valley of Ilissos. The rest of the river is under Kalliroye street. The area was v...
Church Of The Assumption Of The Virgin Mary
Amazing place and history. One of the most important Byzantine monuments in Athens is in the middle of Ermou street. The church is dedicated to Saint ...
Church Of Saint Demetrios Loumbardiaris
Ferenc D
Interesting place, when you visit the acropolis, don't forget to see this place, and more on the top of the hill. Nice view a good climb, need some ex...
Our Lady Of The Sea Church
Tour With Alexa
Amazing view. You will see the Phoenician wall that was built many years ago. Highly recommended for taking photos and enjoying the calmness and beaut...
Greek Orthodox Youth Of Great Britain (Goygb)
Church Stretton, United Kingdom
Michalis Kourtidis
Wonderful primitive Christian experience for the children. Opportunity to build strong relationships that would carry on during the winter.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Bethesda, United States
S Renalds
Really good community led by Father Dimitrios Antokas. Excellent Greek school. Very active with lots of opportunities for involvement.
Greek Orthodox Cathedral Of The Annunciation
Atlanta, United States
Rae Salyers
So, this review is really just for the Atlanta Greek Festival. I can’t really review the cathedral fairly, but I can say that we love the festival! T...
Église Saint George
Grenoble, France
Daniel Hoseiny
I had been there and they treated me well. Fr. George even invited me to sing along with their reader, after hearing from me that I stayed on Mount At...
Église Saint-Spyridon - Ghjesgia San Spyridon
Cargèse, France
Ted Baracos
Rich history of Greek settlement in Corsica
Sint-Niklaaskerk - Ιερός Ναός Αγίου Νικολάου
Schaarbeek, Belgium
Georgia Dimitrova
Tree bian
Centre Sainte-Croix
Monestier, France
Patricia Le Garf
Centre où l'on peut se poser. Pour dormir, il y a le choix entre poser sa tente, chambre, ou maisonnette avec kitchenette. La cuisine est excellente ...
Lyon, France
CLAREY michel
Kyrie eleyson me
Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Miami, United States
Sophia Birlidis
I have been attending Saint Sophia since I was a small child... It is a Beautiful Church and everyone is wonderful... Please stop by and see our beaut...
Foundation Greek-Orthodox Church Zurich
Zürich, Switzerland
Zack Fountas
Very friendly and welcoming community.
Eglise Grecque Orthodoxe - Saint Alexandre
Charvieu-Chavagneux, France
Dr.Artemios Papanikolaou
Κομψός Ιερός ναός.
St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church
Pablo Zepeda
Visited for the Greek festival.
North Miami, United States
leighann simon
Great place they make you feel like family
St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church
Boca Raton, United States
Jim Oliver
Not a member, but love the greek festival put on every year.
Association Culturelle Orthodoxe De Vaucluse
Avignon, France
Marcelle Ma
Deux très belles cérémonies
Église Orthodoxe Grecque
Strasbourg, France
Manolis Kallonakis
Πολύ καλή εκκλησία για τα δεδομένα της πόλης. Σημείο συνάντησης των Ελλήνων. Ο πάτερ Χρήστος εξαιρετικός! Υποδέχεται όλους και μιλά μαζί τους.
Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Brooklyn, United States
I have great memories from your church when I was a student at Pratt Institute in the 1950’s I use to go in other churches in Brooklyn because I lived...
Metropolitan Church Of Athens Evangelismos Theotokou
Eileen Weed
The church is rather plain, inside and out, but it really came alive because it was part of the free \Rick Steves Athens City Walk\ audio which I was ...
Church Panagia Grigorousa Agii Taxiarches Ke Agios Fanourios
Πετρος Κεφαλας
A nice church in the center of plaka...
St Dionysius The Areopagite Church
Michalis Katsarakis
Nice and peaceful place to pray
Church Of Agioi Anargyroi Holy Metohi Panagiou Tafou
Themistocles Papadimopoulos
It is a place real experience, even if you are an orthodox Christian or not. A place that is hidden in the heart of Plaka, keeps history and Athens’pa...
Church Of St. Nicholas Rangavas
Katrina W
Beautiful church in the most charming surroundings. A quiet space in a busy city. The whole Plaka neighborhood is worth exploring.
Saint Catherine Plaka
Tamara Schoon
In a very nice area of town near the Acropolis
Church Of Agia Fotini
Nea Smirni, Greece
Evan Chong Zhi Chao
As authentic and close to the everyday Greece. Culture you can get
Church Of The Holy Apostles
Δημήτρης Σετάκης
Amazing church. The flowers that are close make it even more beautiful. It's a total mood
Church Of The Pantanassa
samer nohra
A beautiful byzantine church in the heart of athens.
Zoodochou Pigis
Wuppertal, Germany
Zoi Petkou
Its very beautiful
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Wien, Austria
Nice place good for morning prayers And gives you a relaxing after feeling
Gréckokatolícky Chrám Zosnutia Presvätej Bohorodičky Dvorianky
Dvorianky, Slovakia
Neo Cambell
Kostol uprostred dediny, ničím výnimočný ...
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Northridge, United States
Dimitri Stathos
This is the Greek orthodox church in the valley. This is where I go
St George Greek Orthodox Church
Bloomfield Twp, United States
Dean Politis
It's a church. It's God's house. Also, they have a nice Greek festival with indoor eating which is great in bad or hot weather.
Saint Demetrios Orthodox Church -Zouk
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Nehmat Sfeir
Beautiful heritage church