Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Taunton Doctors
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Taunton, United Kingdom
Mark Simic
Congratulations on winning New Business of the Year at the 2019 Somerset Business Awards. Thoroughly well deserved recognition for your team of forwar...
No reviews yet.
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Pall Mall – Medical & Cosmetics - Liverpool
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Benny Blonco
We’re do I start.. bought a groupon voucher for mri scan, phoned up have them it waiting like 3 days for them to redeem it, then was gettin email an p...
Prohealth Chiropractic
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Chorley, United Kingdom
Rebecca Hope-Ross
I recently used the board room facilities at ProHealth Chiropractic for a business training session, and was very impressed with the facilities! The r...
Health Examination Centre
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Blois, France
Matthieu Trouvé
Se sont des médecins avec différentes spécialités, tout très professionnelle et compétant.
Carte Grise Saint Etienne
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Saint-Étienne, France
clem chabe
Parfait ! Accueillant, pas plus de 10minutes pour la carte grise reçue le surlendemain !
Carte Grise Chalon Sur Saône
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Chalon-sur-Saône, France
francois imbs
C'est la deuxième fois que je fais appel aux services de cette agences. Une première fois lors de l'achat de mon véhicule pour l'immatriculation et a...
J Medical | Centro Medico A Torino
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Torino, Italy
Robert Tarrant
It's a great facility. It's clean and efficient. The staff was professional.
Snatch Box Strength And Conditioning
Vena, Italy
Don Bolò
Priamar - Centro Clinico Diagnostico
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Savona, Italy
Giovanni Celano
One Medical Clinic
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Venezia, Italy
Ho portato mio figlio di 7 anni ad una visita di controllo. 2.45 h di attesa con appuntamento fissato conclusasi alle 21.45 Costo visita di controllo...
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Amberg (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Amberg, Germany
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Mühldorf (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Trustfeed Score 2.3
Mühldorf am Inn, Germany
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Hof (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Hof, Germany
Begutachtungs\U00adstelle Für Fahreignung Standort Deggendorf
Trustfeed Score 2.0
Deggendorf, Germany
Manfred Müller
Ich kann die negativen Bewertungen gar nicht nachvollziehen. Die Mitarbeiter vom Empfang bis hin zum Psychologen begegnen einem mit Respekt und Freun...
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Frankfurt/Oder (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin, Gesundheitsmanagement)
Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Super schneller Termin freundliches Personal
Медичний Центр Бомед Хмельницький
Tod Collett
Great service. Good Doctors.
Diahnostychnyy Tsentr \Medis\
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Benjamin Jackson
Wonderful service, fast, great, very helpful.
Медичний Центр \Медіан\
Алена Бардак
Позвонила в центр и узнала возможно ли у них сдать кровь и узнать может ли человек быть донором тромбоцитов,ответили да,конечно,записалась на приём,п...
Медичний Центр Веромед | Лікування Варикозу
Oleg Kinakh
Amazing staff, very welcoming people, had a scar on my head that bothered me for years and they helped get rid of it in no time! Very much recommended...
Swift Health Urgent Care Center
Trustfeed Score 4.1
College Park, United States
Andrea Martinez
The location is rough and could use some updating in terms of processing too (no receipt/online records), but given the circumstances of the travel te...
Dopomozhy Sobi Sam
Оксана Кирилова
Гарний центр. Підпсисали декларацію із сімейним лікарем і вже декілька разів зверталися: небо і земля у порівнянні із державними закладами. Компетент...
Hynekoloh Y Uroloh V Medytsynskom Tsentre Omeha-Kyev
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Не объективная трата денег, Обратилась в данную клинику с достаточно распространённой проблемой и нуждалась в решении конкретно в этом. Но в итоге по...
Медична Клініка Viva
Andrii Diriavka
Nice electro cars and \Doctor on call\ service, but the way it is parked is really poor.
My Concierge Md
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Beverly Hills, United States
Chris Bloomberg
Re: Covid Testing Services I observe both a service to community and an opportunistic money grab; company does not bother with insurance at all - cash...
Trustfeed Score 3.0
The Traymore At Park Cities
Dallas, United States
Stacy Adeyinka
The we'll being of your love comes first. They are awesome with their residents.
Mts Dobrodiy
Ольга Приходько
Добрий день!Нещодавно були на прийомі у Черниш Наталії Миколаївні з приводу вакцинації Церваріксом та Ваксігрипом.За час консультації були надані від...
Медичний Центр Східниця
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Лида Обиход
Лучшее сочетание \цена-качество\ . Медицинские услуги - на высшем уровне! Весь персонал очень приветливый, в случае возникновения вопросов, все решае...
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Albina Petrenko
Ужасная работа колл центра! За час не смогли дать ответ что входит в указанный пакет на сайте, операторы перекидывают на друг друга, обвиняя, что дру...
Nextcare Urgent Care
Phoenix, United States
Linda Berzi
Very professional group. Gregory in the back office is cordial and puts patients at ease. My appointments are always on time and run quickly and smoot...
Physiotherapie De Bruyn - Krankengymnastik - Physio - Massage - Lymphdrainage - Hausbesuche
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Korbach, Germany
Janine Pfänder
Sehr professionelle Praxis, das Team versteht etwas von seinem Handwerk! Die Behandlungen sind immer super. Gute telefonische Erreichbarkeit, auch P...
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Koblenz (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Trustfeed Score 2.8
Koblenz, Germany
Markus Johann
Nachdem dann doch noch ein Termin zustande kam, war der Kontakt freundlich und kompetent (insbesondere die arbeitsmedizinische Betreuung)
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany
Oo Oo
Termingestaltung war für mich sehr gut.auf meine anfrage wurde schnell und unkompliziert untersuchungstag selbst wurde ich klar eingewies...
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Halle (Saale) (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Halle (Saale), Germany
Christoph Stöckel
Ich hatte am 7.8.2018 eine arbeitsmedizinische Untersuchung. Ich war wirklich absolut zufrieden. Trotz der Hitze sehr freundliche Mitarbeiter und ein...
Anregiomed Mvz Dinkelsbühl - Urologie
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Dinkelsbühl, Germany
Zahneins Gmbh
Hamburg, Germany
Manfred Krause
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Garching (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Garching bei München, Germany
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Soltau (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Soltau, Germany
Werner Leib
Gute Musik. Nette Leute, Essen und trinken
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Gera (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Gera, Germany
Michaela Dähn
Tolles Personal ;-)
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Kiel (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Kiel, Germany
Martin Rober
Generell freundliches und kompetentes Personal, abgesehen von einem der Arbeitsmediziner. Dieser war mir gegenüber extrem unfreundlich, mit dem Ergeb...
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Cottbus (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Cottbus, Germany
Gans Andreas
Schlecht erreichbar, Unmöglich wie dieses Unternehmen arbeitsmedizinische Dienstleistungen anbieten kann, und dann ablehnt. Ein Jahr machen wir die U...
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Bautzen (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Bautzen, Germany
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Bremerhaven (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Bremerhaven, Germany
Atutmedican Badania Psychologiczne I Lekarskie Kierowców
Nowy Sącz, Poland
Martin Pikula
Bardzo miła i szybka obsługa ze strony Pani recepcjonistki. Pomimo ciężkiej sytuacji epidemiologicznej kolejka była znikoma (czekałem raptem kilka mi...
Centrum Medyczne Polmed
Starogard Gdański, Poland
Karolina Wos
Polecam przychodnie polmed , panie w rejestracji bardzo miłe i pomocne
Medical Center Polmed
Gdańsk, Poland
To jest pierwszy i ostatni raz jak rejestruję się do lekarzy w tej placówce. Wcześniej umówione badanie USG, już 40 minut opóźnienia i dalej czekam.....
Corvita. Medical Center
Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Wola Pro Riders
Od lat korzystam z rehabilitacji w CM Corvita. Fizjoterapeuci i cały zespół nastawiony jest na pomoc pacjentowi. Nie przypuszczałem, że w państwowej ...
Chorzów, Poland
Tom H
Zamówiłem część, którą pilnie potrzebowałem do koncentratora. Według zapewnień miała ona zostać wysłana kurierem 29 grudnia z zapewnieniem jej otrzym...
Nzoz \Profmed\
Krasnystaw, Poland
Wizyta u dr. Rafała Grabczaka to gwarancja holistycznego podejścia do pacjentki. Fantastyczny lekarz z wysoką kulturą osobistą, życzliwością i wyrozu...
I Medica
Michal Smolarski
Od kilku lat robię tu badania i zawsze wszystko przebiega sprawnie i bezproblemowo. Miły personel i profesjonalizm - Polecam .
Wrocław, Poland
Oksana Kolisnyk
Pleasant staff, qualified doctor therapist Kamyk Wojciech, positive attitude to foreigners! My experience here is excellent so can easily recommend th...
Centrum Medyczne Arka | Specjalistyczna Przychodnia Dla Dzieci
Warszawa, Poland
Izabela Zackiewicz
Po początkowym konflikcie z obsługą klienta szybko zareagowała Pani kierownik. Włożyła dużo wysiłku aby nam pomóc rozwiązać problem. Wszędzie zdarzaj...
Gdynia, Poland
Najgorsza placówka prywatna w Gdyni, zawsze tłok, (gdzie jest sanepid). Zawsze długo się czeka, w kolejce oczywiście(wizyty na daną godzinę). Obsługa...
Jomadent - Centrum Zdrowia Stomatolog Ortodonta Implantolog Endodonta Usg Ginekolog Dermatolog Ortopeda Gastrolog Rehabilitacja
Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
Karolina Blasiak
The best Wellness and Medical Center in Poland founded by Dr. Joanna Krukowska and her husband Zdzislaw Krukowski. Fully comprehensive one stop locati...
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Richard Girling
Worst medical service I have ever experienced.
Eeg Instytut
Dominika Pawluk
Badanie EEG przeprowadzone w Instytucie pomogło mi zdiagnozować przyczyny nawracającego bólu głowy. Zmagam się z problemem od bardzo dawna i wyczerpa...
Clinifátima - Serviços Médicos Sa (Leiria)
Trustfeed Score 2.6
Leiria, Portugal
Luis Coelho
Por duas vezes que me desloco aqui com hora marcada e o tempo de espera é superior a mais de 1 hora.
Cmm - Aveiro Medical Center
Aveiro, Portugal
Joaquim Pavão
Cancelaram um exame urgente 3 horas antes porque tiveram um problema com o fornecimento de energia. Para o cancelamento utilizaram um numero incógni...
Face A Fase Clinic
Rio de Mouro, Portugal
Andreia Pereira
Funcionárias simpáticas e sempre de sorriso Aberto. Muitas valências num só espaço com excelentes profissionais médicos.
Fredericksburg, United States
Lacoya Heggie
As a COVID-19 rapid-testing site, they are extremely organized with their pre-scheduled appts and the walk-ins. Both times I was tested, I was there n...
Bernal Pediatric Clinic: Jaime Bernal, Md
McAllen, United States
MaryJane Resendez
By far the best pediatrician I've been to, my daughter loved him.
Glendale, United States
Camille Rawers
Went in early before 10am in case they were busy, only about 3-4 before myself. Waited about an hour before was seen, which is understandable during t...
Cedar Park, United States
Kristin Day
This place was very busy so even as a walk-in you should be prepared for a bit of a wait. However, they provided me with excellent service. The staff ...
Access Medical Centers - Urgent Care
Pryor, United States
Leisha Thomas
Service the day I went in was great. The nurse that checked me in the room was great and so was the doctor that came in and spoke with me. Both were v...
Mesa, United States
Ellen Doolittle
I had a appointment with the doctor today, I’m having stomach issues, every person there is really amazing! Thank- you for your kindness & the doctor ...
Doctalker Family Medicine
Vienna, United States
Michael Smith
We have been with this practice for years (seems like forever). We started when our children were pre-school and our youngest is now 21. It has been i...
Guardian Physicians
Atlanta, United States
Tanya Thur
Dr Oyekoya took time to review all of my symptoms and history. I feel confident in her knowledge. The virtual appointment process was very streamlined...
Avondale, United States
Chandra Purnell
Fast and easy COVID rapid testing with results in 15 minutes. Great social distancing protocols and staff is friendly and person centered. In other wo...
Round Rock, United States
Paula Knight
Quick and competent care. Very thorough observance of COVID protocol. All the staff I encountered were kind and professional. I would definitely recom...
Rapid Rehab Physiotherapy Cheltenham
Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Daisy Crabtree
I went to see Andy with knee pain when walking and running which was very uncomfortable. He made me feel very comfortable and at ease during my appoin...
Redstone Academy & Exam Centre
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Amin Empire
Possibly one of the best schools in birmingam. A faith school that teachers in a very well manner. Along with their faith. They teach and adhere to th...
Dw Osteopathy Cardiff
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Emma Nicholls
I had my first visit with Dan and after our initial conversation, he got straight to work having already ascertained my issues. Dan very quickly creat...
Move Clinics
Rebecca K
Brittany is one of the best Pilates teachers and physios I have ever been to. Being a physio myself I am super picky when it comes to who treats me/te...
Traditional Japanese Acupuncture - Fiona Hurlock
Korinna Pilafidis-Williams
As yoga teacher I have some experience of alternative health practitioners. Fiona Hurlock stands out. She has great skill and knowledge not just about...
Norwich, United Kingdom
nice Doctors but moody receptionists
English Language House
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Patrycja Wessinger
Amazing place and staff! Did my CELTA there and the whole learning experience was just amazing! Celta tutors are very experienced and so passionate ab...
Enfield, United Kingdom
Jenette Blades
Farah is so professional and warm and makes you feel so welcome and comfortable when your around her. Her massages and treatments are amazing. Each ti...
Osteopathy At Home
Stevenage, United Kingdom
Claire Pope
Michael is very professional, knowledgeable and kind. He takes time to understand how you are feeling and work out the route of the problem. You alway...
Pro Sport Physiotherapy - Leeds
Jonathan Oakey
At first, I was apprehensive towards Martin’s approach to physiotherapy, however everything he did created a difference in my body, whether it be putt...
The Magical Hands Limited
Southall, United Kingdom
Amira Yasmeen
I am very pleased with the service l have received from a professional physiotherapist The Magical Hands and l would like to thank you for amazing tre...
Queens Road Sports Injury Clinic
Nuneaton, United Kingdom
Lancelot Boland
So I put the status up in bed with a bad back in agony next min this local hero by the name of Ash Patel inboxed me asking what's up with my back gave...
Apex Physiotherapy Clinic Whitefield
Manchester, United Kingdom
Chris Burke
Went to see Paul about my shoulder injury which turned out to be a Rotator cuff. After assessing the damage he then recommended certain exercises to w...
Association Acte - Examens Et Tests De Français
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Paris, France
Sadik Rahman
Tre bon
Centre De Médecine Nucléaire Et Tep Paris-Nord - Elsan
Sarcelles, France
Centre De Médecine Nucléaire Et Tep D'eaubonne - Elsan
Eaubonne, France
Francoise SENECHAL
J'ai été très étonnée de l'accueil du personnel qui est très agréable cela change de certains établissements Très peu d'attente pour les examens qui ...
Health Review Center
Limoges, France
Yana Maksimtchouk
Bilan de santé début décembre 2020, équipe au top, enfin un personnel médical à l'écoute, ce qui est rare de nos jours. Je recommande vivement
Centre De Santé Des Étudiants
Lille, France
Avand Fardi
I recommend this place, fast and punctual. They are always ready to help you.
Controles Auto Centre Herault
Clermont-l'Hérault, France
Audrey Ferrando
Très bon accueil, je recommande!
Codengo Lyon 8
Lyon, France
Thomas Rodriguez
Super rien a dire , bon accueil je recommande
Code'ngo! Oullins
Oullins, France
Je suis très émue et très ravie en même temps ! J’ai passé l’examen du code toute seule et je suis tellement soulagée et tellement fière de moi de l’...
Dr Oscar Montoro
Genève, Switzerland
Feng Yu
Dr. Montoro works with chariness and responsibility. The fee is reasonable despite that you do need to pay on-site after the consultation. I would rec...
Afc Urgent Care Hollywood
Hollywood, United States
Melina Sequi
Made an appointment for a covid test easily online for 5:45 pm, it’s 6pm and I’m writing this review. Was in and out within 15 minutes and was attende...
Farmacia Santa Croce Di Pharma Cross Srl
Chieri, Italy
Davide Alle Allegri
La migliore farmacia di Chieri e dintorni. Il servizio offerto non si limita alla vendita di farmaci e integratori ma si affianca a utili consigli, d...
Laboratorio Di Analisi Cliniche De Felice
Salerno, Italy
Farmacia Favia
Brindisi, Italy
Professionalità, esperienza e cordialità... un grande elogio va al dott. Favia e alla dott.essa Ferrulli, sempre disponibili e gentili verso ogni ric...
Алексей Егоров
я вам не давал свой номер и не был никогда у вас. Спам обзвон.
Predreysovyy Meditsinskiy Osmotr
Anregiomed Mvz Ansbach - Anästhesie & Schmerztherapie
Ansbach, Germany
Dr. Med. Finjap, Jfk Medical Center
Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany
Klaus Peter
B·A·D Gesundheitszentrum Hh-Altona (Arbeitssicherheit, Arbeitsmedizin Und Gesundheitsmanagement)
Hans- Jürgen Schröder
Frau Dr. H. hat sich die Zeit genommen und ich finde dies ausser Frage sehr gut. Es ging schnell und kompetent zur Sache, sehr gute Hilfe und dies au...