Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Nhs Blood And Transplant
Trustfeed Score 3.0
No reviews yet.
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Public Health England - Waterloo
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Adesola Bodumde
Quite helpful
Nhs Improvement
Crawley Wellbeing
Phe East Of England
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Nhs South Tees Clinical Commissioning Group
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
Nhs North Hampshire Ccg
Trustfeed Score 1.0
Basingstoke, United Kingdom
Sexual Health Service - The Gate Clinic, Canterbury
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Canterbury, United Kingdom
Top quality service, amazing, helpful, friendly and professional staff. Thank you so much for the help and treatment you gave me. As for the reviews a...
Nutritionist & Weight Loss Expert
Bath, United Kingdom
Department Of Health London
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Kaye Macmaster
Got a letter today to have the flu jab ,but their is nothing at our pharmacy and they haven’t had a batch for the under 65 for month .
Cardiff & Vale University Health Board
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Jake R Maddocks
Another incredible waste of taxes.
Healthwatch Rotherham
Rotherham, United Kingdom
Abu Anaya Wa Ayah
I submitted a complaint to my gp via health watch. All they did is forward my letters. They failed to advise on best course of action, they did not of...
Healthcare Inspectorate Wales - Hiw
Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom
Nuffield Department Of Population Health
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Aviola Sita
How to get a scholarship from my country, Indonesia??
Lincolnshire Integrated Sexual Health Service
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Lincoln, United Kingdom
kathryn McGrath
I was really nervous about coming in as it was for a smear test. The time before i went to the doctors and they butchered me. So i was really worried ...
Farm Villa
Nhs Bristol, North Somerset And South Gloucestershire
Trustfeed Score 2.3
Bristol, United Kingdom
Viran Patel
Mental Health Contracts and everything else are sham they dont want to publish waiting times that matter and the true crisis being faced by the NHS an...
Centre Of Excellence In Public Health (Ni)
Liverpool Heart And Chest Hospital
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Ian Vickers
Went into hospital for replacement aorta valve. From the moment I was admitted the nurses were fantastic and put me at ease. Nothing was too much trou...
Institute Of Public Health In Ireland
Belfast, United Kingdom
Department Of Health Information Office Dhssps
Si Creche Familiale Gretz Tournan
Tournan-en-Brie, France
Maison De La Prévention-Point Écoute Jeunes
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Fontenay-sous-Bois, France
Les docteur du point écoute Fontenay sous bois sont des gens très compétent doté de véritables qualités humaines ainsi qu'un sens de l’humour a toute...
Maison Des Adolescents De L'essonne – Mda 91
Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois, France
Cpam Of Haute Savoie - Annemasse
Trustfeed Score 2.0
Annemasse, France
Leha Win
Aucun professionnalisme ; il n y’a pas d'accueil mais juste un agent de sécurité . Le personnel est incompétent . C’est la pire CPAM que j’ai vu jusq...
Regional Health Agency Grand Est
Nancy, France
Injoignable et mis en attente horrible, à croire que c'est fait pour que les gens abandonnent.
Federation Dep Des Chasseurs
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Arlay, France
Envie de frites
Chasseur ça sert à rien
Syndicat Des Eaux Des Rocailles Et De Bellecombe
Scientrier, France
Ars Languedoc Roussillon
Trustfeed Score 1.5
Montpellier, France
Gerard fernandez-hebard
On ne peut pas dire que les Responsables de l'ARS fassent preuve de bon sens j'explique...Je j'aurais 75 ans dans 4 mois suis né en 1946. Mon épouse ...
Communauté De Communes Gisors Epte Levri
Gisors, France
Caisse Primaire D'assurance Maladie (C.P.A.M)
Trustfeed Score 1.9
Annecy, France
The best word to describe the people working in this office is USELESS. What a disaster. What a shame!
Centre Médico-Social Valence Méliès
Valence, France
Maison Départementale Des Personnes Handicapées De La Côte-D'or
Trustfeed Score 1.7
Dijon, France
Hannibals Smiths
J ai critiquer les commissions vu la façon qui gère les dossiers des gents .le mien me donne envie de vaumir. J ai fait une demande de réétudier mes ...
Dir Sce Dep Educ Nat Pyrenees Atlantiq
Bayonne, France
Direction Dep Cohesion Sociale
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Saint-Lô, France
Cpam De La Charente-Maritime
La Rochelle, France
séphora traineau
Comme dans chaque institution publique, c'est selon le faciès de chacun, mais ici ils se permettent de vous rire au nez en prime. Il vaut mieux leur ...
Academie Aix Marseille Rectorat
Aix-en-Provence, France
Mairie - Salle Des Fêtes
Jumilhac-le-Grand, France
Circonscription Aix Sainte Victoire
Poliambulatorio Asl Caserta
San Felice a Cancello, Italy
A.S.L. Napoli 1 Centro
Trustfeed Score 1.8
Napoli, Italy
Francesco Vecchioli
Poco funziona
Azienda Ulss 9 Scaligera Distretto 1
Trustfeed Score 2.6
Verona, Italy
Marco Podvornik
Ho inviato mail PEC , raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno e dopo 3 giorni non c'è stata alcuna risposta, ne via mail ne per la raccomandata, impossi...
Asl Latina
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Latina, Italy
D looks entertainment
It was wonderful i never expected the cheap price it was really nice i love there and i will go again and again. Don't miss out. Go for your view.
Presidio Cercola Caravita
Cercola, Italy
Volevo ringraziare pubblicamente il personale che lavora all'interno del centro vaccini per la disponibilità e professionalità con la quale mi hanno ...
Azienda Usl Toscana Centro - Presidio Verrazzano
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Figline Valdarno, Italy
anna coppola
Sono stata recentemente al plesso prelievo asl con orario e numero ho atteso 1 ora per la cartella e 30 minuti per il prelievo. Personale infermieris...
House Of Health Pintor
Trustfeed Score 2.9
Parma, Italy
Helpful Staff. They have a translator for foreigners navigating the health system which is pretty useful. Fairly efficient system. Expect long but rea...
Usl 4 Prato - District Socio-Health Of Montemurlo
Trustfeed Score 3.1
Montemurlo, Italy
A parte il fatto che con la situazione coronavirus tocca fare la fila fuori , ma una volta dentro il personale si presenta in maniera educata gentile...
Distretto Asl Vecchio Vito Fazzi
Lecce, Italy
Stefano Francesco
Un ringraziamento a chi porta avanti una struttura così importante con sforzi e devozione al lavoro una particolare menzione alle Dottoresse Stomeo e...
Agency Of Protection Of Health Insubria
Trustfeed Score 1.3
Varese, Italy
Mara Monti
Il vostro servizio di test COVID a Malpensa è INDECENTE. A una settimana non ci sono ancora i risultati. Se dovere fare le vostre sperimentazioni sul...
Asl Salerno Distretto 65
Battipaglia, Italy
Asl Teramo
Trustfeed Score 1.6
Teramo, Italy
Claudio Giovannucci
Sono stato a fare un prelievo e ho visto una signora bassa, bionda con gli occhiali senza la minima voglia di lavorare, insultare prima la gente che ...
Asl Città Di Torino
Trustfeed Score 2.2
Torino, Italy
Davron Nigmatov
I had to come here two days in a row. Staff is unhelpful and uninformative. I recommend to be there till 9 am to get your ticket.
Centro Regionale Antidoping \Alessandro Bertinaria\
Trustfeed Score 2.8
Sanatorio San Luigi, Italy
Struttura decadente.. Ma soprattutto scazzo totale delle signore alla reception. Le receptioniste inoltre dicono parolaccie e volgarità pesanti tra l...
Preest Asst Bergamo Est
Seriate, Italy
Servizio Tossicodipendenze
Pisa, Italy
Sirivarda sirivardana
Ti trattano da \cliente \, non da paziente ,fanno di tutto xche tu resti a vita attaccato a loro, ai loro prodotti altamente intossicanti (sennò ciao...
Ats Val Padana - Sede Legale Di Mantova
Trustfeed Score 1.4
Mantova, Italy
Josephine Amaechi
Chiama, io rispondo a tutte le domande e poi chiama mio marito dopo un’ora e dopo un secondo esordisce con un “ finalmente qualcuno che parla italian...
Ats • Centro Diurno Disabili
Rho, Italy
Ats • Ambulatorio Vaccinale
Trustfeed Score 2.1
Simone Cannata
Che dire noi ci siamo trovati benissimo, abbiamo trovato cordialità, disponibilità e soprattutto umanità. Io e la mia compagna ringraziamo di cuore g...
Azienda Usl Toscana Nord Ovest - Distretto Capannori
Capannori, Italy
claudio vitelli
Vorrei dare un piccolo apporto alla professionalità e alla gentilezza delle dipendenti dell'ufficio vaccinazioni del usl di Capannori. Provengo da un...
Social And Health Center Livorno East
Livorno, Italy
Virginia Herrera
Always a wait
A.S.L. Montichiari
Montichiari, Italy
Serata Chic
Mi sono recato presso la struttura per richiedere informazioni in merito al rilascio di una nuova tessera sanitaria. La dipendente preposta al serviz...
As.Va.L.T. - Casa Della Prevenzione Montecatini Terme
Montecatini Terme, Italy
Ospedale Civile Spirito Santo Cup
Pescara, Italy
Maurizio Cadderi
Manca il gel igienizzante e segnalato due volte nessuno provvede. Considerando che per prendere il numero bisogna utilizzare il dispositivo touch... ...
Usl Central Tuscany - Canova
Firenze, Italy
gege xu
Where is entrance?? where is exit?? it’s a maze...
Azienda Usl Toscana Nord Ovest - Casa Della Salute Donoratico
Donoratico, Italy
Carlotta Binda
Non risponde mai nessuno, credo che il numero non sia corretto.
Asl Galatina
Galatina, Italy
Marco D'Errico
Non so dire quanti e quali uffici si trovano in via Pietro Siciliani ma al momento in cui scrivo, in questa posizione (sulla destra della Chiesa Mado...
Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst Am Gesundheitsamt
Zerbst/Anhalt, Germany
Gesundheitsamt Landkreis Prignitz
Perleberg, Germany
Detlev Horacek
Was für Öffnungszeiten .. Ein Witz! Und das bei dem achso gefährlichen Corona Irrsinn!
Wittmund, Germany
Gesundheitsamt Köthen
Köthen (Anhalt), Germany
Gesundheitsamt Wilhelmshaven
Trustfeed Score 2.5
Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Sabine Bucko
Wir hatten eine Begegnung der 3 Art würde ich sagen. Wir waren da zwecks testung da Einzelheiten erspare ich mir an dieser Stelle einfach nur traurig...
Landkreis Friesland Fachbereich Gesundheitswesen
Jever, Germany
Paul Freeke
Friendly and helpful people working here..
Kreis Coesfeld - Gesundheitsamt
Coesfeld, Germany
Sebastian Maur
Ich habe soeben mit dem Gesundheitsamt telefoniert. Es war eine Frau Schneider am Telefon. Sie hat mir sehr freundlich alle meine Fragen beantwortet,...
Vital Bewegungszentrum Borken
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Borken, Germany
It is thebestshop
Bin sehr gerne dort. Familiär und mit sehr guter Betreuung. Kalle
Gesundheitsamt Ludwigslust
Ludwigslust, Germany
Katja Flöter
Als Mitarbeiterin eines \Gesundheitsamt\ Frau B.... konnte sie mir nicht wirklich weiter helfen zu meinen Fragen zum Coronatest. Zudem schien die Fr...
Novovolynsʹka Misʹka Sanepidemstantsiya
Polyc Lop
Illinetsʹka Rayonna Sanepidemstantsiya
Kristaps Ozolnieks
Іллінецький міжрайонний відділ лабораторних досліджень МОЗ України
Маневицька Районна Санепідемстанція
Сергій Гельмас
Неможливо дозвонитись для чого ви там сидите?
Public Health Facility - Prolet
Trustfeed Score 2.7
Zero Cool
This looks more like a joke than a real functioning 'public health center'. The time I visited, you had to go there to pick up your results in person ...
Kharkiv City Sanitary-Epidemiological Station
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Andrew K
Бывший особняк Гольдберга, сейчас здание санитарно эпидемиологической станции. Стоит немного освежить фассад чтобы здание привлекало своей красотой и...
Burynsʹke Rayonne Laboratorne Viddilennya Ses
Fairfax County Health Department
Fairfax, United States
Pauline Barnes
Received the covid-19 vaccine at Fairfax County Health Department in Annandale Virginia. It was a very efficient process always maintaining the covid-...
Direcția De Sănătate Publică Galați
Galați, Romania
Catalin Simion
O mizerie de institutie, sun la einde jumatate de zi nu iti raspunde nimeni ba mai rau iti dau ocupat... institutii care mananca banii statului degea...
Prince William County Health Dept
Manassas, United States
Giselle Aman
I am so saddened that I am writing a BAD review for OUR health department. Everyone that works here either do not speak english, or have no medical ba...
Санитарно-Эпидемиологическая Станция Харьковского Линейного Участка Южной Железной Дороги
Public Health Services
Janeski Ivana
Brza i kvalitetna usluga
Alexandria City Health Department
Alexandria, United States
Camila Unda
Really good nurses so kind and You pay depends of your income ,i'm SO thankfull with them
Public Health
Commerce, United States
Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia. Lubelski Oddział Wojewódzki. Delegatura
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Chełm, Poland
Kamilla SB
Bardzo nieuprzejma kobieta od dofinansowania szkiel okularowych. Odbywa prywatne rozmowy w czasie pracy a pod drzwiami kolejka. Na zwróconą uwagę nie...
Euroses - Уничтожение Всех Видов Насекомых И Вредителей
TheDark Planet
Набираю на міський номер з моб., ставлять на утримання і скидають. Судячи по дзвінкам...служба взагалі не агонь. Навіть трубки взяти не можуть, мабут...
Arlington County Environ Health
Arlington, United States
Ammanuel Bersoma
Very atrocious service at the WIC office worse than DMV. no regards for people who have been waiting for hours.
Misʹka Sanitarno-Epidemiolohichna Stantsiya
Martin Luther King, Jr. Center For Public Health
Los Angeles, United States
Leona Cunningham
Having delivered multiple times here, I have to say the labor and delivery team of nurses is excellent. From their bedside manner to their genuine pas...
Pasadena Communicable Disease
Pasadena, United States
Sanitarno-Epideolohichna Sluzhba. Khersonsʹkyy Misʹkyy Viddil.
Oblasna Psykhiatrychna Msek
Никита А. Дмитренко
Областная психиатрическая больница, более известная в Донецке как \Победа\. \Поехать на Победу\ - значит, в психушку. К счастью, не лечился там, но е...
Snohomish County Human Services
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Everett, United States
tim lambert
Crisis assistance is provided at 8:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 9:15 am or 1:00 pm Friday (except for legal holidays). It is prov...
Direcţia De Sănătate Publică Botoşani
Botoșani, Romania
Arpinte Nicoleta
De când a început pandemia, nu se fac testări suficiente, nu s-au făcut anchete epidemiologice cum trebuie, nu sunt organizate centre de vaccinare, d...