Puerto de la Cruz, Spain
Paseo Fermin Rodriguez, 2A,
Well organized !well run ! Front desk efficient ! Large health club ! Clean.Equipment is working well . Tend to be busy at time . Sanitizer everywhere with clean cloths for everyone to clean equipment after ourself . The staff is checking regularly to make sure everyone wear the mask ! I feel safer here than in any other gyms I have tried for past 4 months . It deserves 5 stars
It's far better gym then any other, There is healthy food,nutrition bar, good equipments,friendly stuff. Good experience, Kind regards Arnold
I am American and I have not seen that level of professionalism from then2 ladies running the front desk .... scheduling appointment , some members coming in and some leaving ... so impressed . Everyone is friendly and wears the mask !!! Very clean. Loo e it !!
Ive been coming to this gym for the past 5 years always during my holiday stay in puerto. Excellent staff. Excellent machines. And excellent free weight section. They have improved a lot since my very first time. True bodybuilding gym that leaves no desires unfulfilled
Now going to rehab after a long illness. I had the choice between a physiotherapist and this gym. My personal trainer is not a physiotherapist, but knows a lot about rehabilitation. It is much cheaper than an authorized therapist, also when you take the subsidy from the health insurance Denmark into account. And then this great gym is in itself an experience. But it's not like in a Danish gym. Most people who go there have never received professional instruction on how to train. And I can see the difference because I just get professional training from Maria, who by the way is a high-level participant in dance competitions. But you can be surprised that people here breathe and sweat on the treadmill and treadmill when you have a very beautiful kilometer-long beach promenade, which is called promenada Bahia Går nu til genoptræning after lang tids sygdom. Jeg havde valget mellem et fysioterapeut og dette træningscenter. Min personlige træner er ikke fysioterapeut, men ved meget om genoptræning. Det er meget billigere end en autoriseret terapeut, også når man tager tilskuddet fra sygeforsikringen Danmark i betragtning. Og så er dette store træningscenter i sig selv en oplevelse. Men det er ikke som i et dansk træningscenter. De fleste, der kommer der, har aldrig fået professionel anvisning i, hvordan man træner. Og jeg kan jo se forskellen fordi jeg netop får professionel træning af Maria, der iøvrigt er deltager på højt niveau i dansekonkurrencer. Men man kan jo undre sig over at folk her puster og sveder på gang- og løbebånd ,når man har en meget smuk kilometerlang strandpromenade, som hedder promenada Bahia playa.
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