Ashraf Abdelaziz reviewed Restaurant Papaya
ALWAYS LATE! I had to wait 1.5 hours outside the store to get my order which I ordered many hours ahead. No one offered not even an apology. Very bad customer service. 1.5 hours!!! And they're not honest, dragging you 10 mins at a time instead of saying that there was a delay, then maybe I could've left and come back?
And this isn't just once, every single time i pick up I have to wait at least 30 mins
Jeks reviewed Food Truck - Le Comptoir Indien
J'ai pris un Bolly Wrap cet après-midi, c'était excellent ! De prime abord j'ai hésité, la cuisine indienne fait parti de standards et en Food truck j'étais un peu retissant, j'admets.. En définitive je me suis laissé tenté pour 9.50.
Je suis habitué à la cuisine indienne, client régulier depuis des années du Gujrat de Villeparisis et du Planète Indienne de Montévrain, je ne pensais pas trouver une telle qualité de produits frais, un équilibre parfait avec la sauce mangue, le poulet tandoor les condiments et le cheese naan fait sur place . Franchement rien à dire, je m'abonne à votre Instagram et je vous dis à bientôt.
P.S: Vu les commentaires d'il y a plusieurs mois vous avez tenu compte des avis de vos clients, alors chapeau!!
Marie Viron reviewed Thailand
My family and I go here since I was a kid and we always loved it. However when I went there last time, I was hugely disappointed. My mother later told me that there was a new owner... it is obvious that he or she wants to cut down on costs, because the food was much less in quantity and by far not as delicious as it used to be. I hope that they will make an effort, so that we can with good conscience recommend this place again.